How to Earn Free?

Earn free through publications, contributions, viewing content, products cashback, watching flukyy stories, participating in fluke, & by affiliate program.

1- Publications

Registered users can publish a statement with a thumbnail and can set required professionals from a selected country, state, city, or area who can contribute in this publication. Upon reaching threshold coins for this publication one of contributor or publisher will earn 50% coins. Earner will be choosed randomly and automatically.

2- Contributions

Contributions are rectified answers or replies from professionals to statements created in publications. Upon reaching threshold coins for this publication one of contributor or publisher will earn 50% coins. Earner will be choosed randomly and automatically.

3- Viewing Content

By searching anything on our plateform & viewing relevant publication we will record your watch history and your participation will be activated, You must be logged in to your account for this purpose. Upon reaching threshold coins for this publication one of the viewer with active participation will earn 50% coins. Earner will be choosed randomly and automatically.

4- Products Cashback

You can earn free coins from our affiliated companies as cashback on products.

5- Watching Flukyy Stories

Users can watch stories and at the end of timer they can claim free available coins in story, Coins are given randomly not to everyone. So if you are lucky you will earn.

6- Participating in Fluke

User can find a flukky product in the fluke created by our affiliated companies and upon successful finding one of active participant in fluke will earn free coins.

7- Affiliate Program

Users can earn 5% referral commission by sponsoring other users on our plateform. You wil earn commission everytime your referral exchange coins with usd.